Energetic Blocks and Why They Are So Important

Do you ever feel as though no matter what actions you take or how much effort you put into achieving a certain goal that you just keep coming back to square one?

Does it feel like you can't seem to get past a certain threshold to accomplish the results that you truly desire no matter what you try?

This might be within your business, love life, finances, career path, family life, living situation, finding your purpose or even just an overall feeling of frustration about not having the amount of fulfilment or freedom that you would like in your life.

An example of this would be when you think you’ve overcome a certain issue or emotional trigger that affected a past relationship, only to discover that the same issue has cropped up again in your next relationship.

Or maybe you've experienced this with your job or business, when you have made a ton of effort to work your hardest and achieve the recognition and success that you feel you deserve, and yet somehow you continue to remain stuck at a certain income level or in a job that's unfulfilling and unrewarding.

Whenever you see frustrating or limiting patterns such as these, that repeat over time within your life, it almost always means that there’s a an energetic block stored within your vibrational field.

Energetic blocks affect us on every level of our being: emotional, energetic, physical, and spiritual. These blocks are often carried over from past lives and can be connected with ancestral and karmic issues. We can also pick up these blocks within this lifetime, usually in childhood.

The most common forms of energetic blocks are vows from past lives (such as vows of poverty, failure, unfulfillment, suffering, etc.), limiting beliefs (such as 'I don't deserve to succeed', 'I don't deserve abundance', 'It's not possible to fulfill my heart's desires and have financial abundance at the same time', etc), ancestral patterns (such as patterns of self-limitation and self-sabotage), karmic issues (such as self-punishment or disempowerment) and energetic programs (such as unworthiness, lack of confidence, lack of self-belief, etc).

Energetic blocks tend to be subconscious or hidden. They are buried deep within us and they impact everything we do.

When you have an energetic block, it will always stop you from reaching the levels of success that you desire, until you address it.

Often we don’t even realise that we have these blocks and we think that life just has to be the way that it is - that we have to settle for having less joy, fulfillment, freedom, and abundance than we truly desire.

We're socialized to believe that only some people deserve success and only very lucky people can ‘have it all’ in life. We’re taught to accept our blocks as inevitable or as something that we just have to live with.

This is simply not true!

Energetic blocks CAN be cleared and you CAN be released from these frustrating patterns that hold you back.


Are you ready to release what's holding you back?

You were born to live a fulfilling, joyful, successful and abundant life. You incarnated on earth in this lifetime to share your unique gifts and your wisdom with the world. It is your birthright to fulfill your purpose and experience infinite love, joy and fulfilment within this lifetime.

This doesn't mean that we will never have to experience difficult, frustrating or challenging situations. We are human after all and life on earth can be challenging. However, when you release the energetic blocks that are keeping you stuck and preventing you from reaching your true potential and achieving your dreams, then you can open up to the infinite love, joy and bliss that flows throughout the Universe and that we all have access to.

When you release the blocks that are stored within your energy field, you can reach greater levels of fulfilment and success within your life as you awaken to higher and higher vibrations.

One of the biggest dreams that I had within my life since I was a child was to connect with my Soulmate. I always knew within my heart that this was part of my purpose, to share my life with my Soulmate and have a loving, equal partnership where we supported each other in sharing our gifts with the world.

I went through many years of heartbreak and spent much of my adult life either alone or in unfulfilling relationships. I felt completely disempowered and had lost faith that I would ever fulfill my dream. I became quite cynical and angry about it at times, doubting myself and the Universe, thinking that I must have gotten it wrong. I must have been meant to be alone forever.

But something inside me knew that this could not be right. I had a 'knowing' beyond all the doubt and frustration that I had to be with my Soulmate. So I dug deep and called out for major help from the Universe and the Angels.

When I did this, I was shown the most powerful information of my life. I was guided through a series of synchronistic events that led to the right people, the right information and the most powerful tools that would change my life forever.

I was given sacred wisdom that has been kept secret from most people on earth — the keys to opening up our full potential and accessing divine infinite freedom, truth and love.

The information I learned about energetic blocks and the techniques that I have since channeled from the Angels have been one of the most important and influential occurrences within my life. Without these, I would have remained stuck, frustrated, lost, confused, afraid and I would never have been able to fulfill my purpose on earth.

Instead, I got to work using the tools I had been given and I started clearing my blocks. I released thousands of years of trauma, pain, fear, anguish, suffering, loss (and more) that occurred over many lifetimes, which had been stored within my vibrational field.

I did A LOT of releasing and through this process I honed the techniques of clearing blocks and channeled further techniques from the Archangels. As I cleared these blocks along with implementing the powerful manifesting techniques that the Archangels guided me through, I was able to find my Soulmate and we have since created the beautiful life together that I had dreamed about when I was a child.

The Angels took me on this magical journey of finding my Soulmate in order for me to learn these block clearing techniques and to evolve them into an even more efficient and effective healing process.

I have gone on to use this block clearing process to accomplish many more goals within my life, including creating a successful online business. In order to start my business and grow it into what it is today, I had to clear my blocks (including fears about switching careers, limiting beliefs about money and freedom, vows of self-limitation and many more). By doing this inner work and clearing these blocks, I am now able to share my gifts and fulfill my soul purpose while bringing increased abundance and freedom for me and my family.

Healing energetic blocks is something that I feel truly passionate about and the Archangels are guiding me in this lifetime to share the sacred information in order to help other people release what's holding them back and experience the magnitude of love, joy and fulfillment that I get to experience each and every day (and which continues to grows exponentially).

I am eternally grateful to the Angels for taking me on this journey and I am here to tell you that you do not have to be held back by your energetic blocks any longer! 

As long as you're willing to take an honest look at where things are out of alignment and as long as you're ready to make the powerful shifts that releasing blocks brings, then you will be able to experience greater amounts of success, love, joy, freedom and abundance within all areas of your life. 

Blessings and light,


**If you're ready to clear the blocks that are holding you back from reaching your full potential within your life or biz, then please click here to set up a Discovery Call to learn how we can work together.