Weekly Manifesting Report -- Nov. 25- Dec. 1, 2019

We start the week off with powerful New Moon vibes!

This New Moon (on the 26th) is an important time for getting clear + setting the strongest of intentions for all that you desire to call into your life over the last few weeks of this year (there's still plenty of time to manifest amazing things!)

And for setting up 2020 to be the best year of your life so far.

Setting intentions ESSENTIAL for successful manifestation. Do NOT underestimate the power of declaring what you desire, owning it and knowing it’s rightfully yours.

When you do this, you can literally manifest anything + new doors start magically opening for you.

Take time this week to journal on what you would LOVE to do/have/experience and let your imagination run wild. This is a time of intense creativity as we build up to the Solstice in a few weeks.  

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Metatron are stepping forward this week to help you get into alignment with your goals and dreams. Call upon them as you set your intentions + attract the next level of abundance!

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Instead of using your own energy and trying to push things forward, it’s time to pull your dreams towards you. You are a powerful magnet (even if you don’t realize it yet) and you have the ability to magnetize the abundance you seek. Feel yourself radiating total magnetism for your heart’s desires – imagine your biggest dreams being drawn to you. So that all you have to do is show up confidently and trust that your dreams are being sent to you (because that’s what your dreams want, the desires of your heart are trying to find their way to you). Keep shining your light and radiating this magnetism – that’s how your dreams will find you and be manifested into reality. This is how you will open up to receiving increased abundance!



This is a reminder from the Angels and the Universe that you can get where you desire to go faster than you realize. You can manifest your big goals more quickly and efficiently than you’re allowing but you have to be open to seeing things from a new perspective and to let go of trying to figure everything out (how you will get there, how the resources will come through, how there will be enough time, etc). You’re getting weighed down in the minutiae and not fully accessing the infinite potential + possibilities that are available to you. Take time this week to focus on the bigger picture and call upon Archangel Metatron to show you how you can get to your goal in a much more efficient way. Remember that time is infinite and relative – you can get where you desire to go right now when you believe this and when you set the intentions to have this.



This New Moon is the perfect time for you to access your infinite creative potential. You’re being reminded to tap into your creativity in order to manifest your dreams. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to write down the goals and dreams you have. Write them in vivid detail and let your imagination take hold. Do not hold back. What do you truly desire for your life? What do you truly desire to feel? What do you truly desire to experience? How do you desire to spend your time? What do you most desire to accomplish? Writing this down is going to help you get clarity and it’s going to help you make it feel real (which is crucial for manifestation). Writing down your dreams and goals is also the first step to turning them into physical form. You are literally writing them into reality and birthing them into existence.

Have an amazing week!

Rachel ❤️

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