June 2017 Messages

Blessings! Please choose an image that you feel most drawn to (1, 2 or 3) and then listen to the VIDEO for your June Messages of channeled guidance from the Archangels!


Which image(s) did you choose and how did the messages resonate with you?

Let me know in the comments box below!


Have a blessed month of June!



P.S. I also have a very special offering this month -- it's something I've never done before (and might not offer again)

I've opened up 8 slots for personal angel channelings, where you can ask the Angels ONE QUESTION for just $20

>> Click here to ask the Angels your question






You are Light -- Archangel Channeling

Message of Light channeled from Archangel Uriel, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Chamuel:

"We have come to give you messages of hope, peace and light, to let you know that we are sending love and light to the planet at this time.

Do not despair, do not doubt, do not fear, do not worry. Yes, there is much chaos in the world right now. Yes, there is much anger in the world right now. Yes, there is much destruction and pain in the world right now.

To counterbalance this, it is imperative that you hold light in your hearts. It is vital that you be beacons of light and radiate more light from your inner beings brighter than ever before.

Now is the time to turn up your inner light and put your full beams on. This will protect you and it will protect the entire planet.We ask you to have more compassion for your brothers and sisters here on the earth.

We ask that you let go of all judgement, harsh words, and criticism and regard your fellow earthly beings with an open mind and an open heart. You have more power than you realize to change things for the better.

When you come together as beings of light and stand side by side both physically and energetically, you will have the ability to transmute all negativity on this planet.

Do not underestimate the power that you have in coming together. For your collective light radiates at a frequency and strength beyond any that you can imagine – when you come together as souls of light, you are able to transmute all negativity and prevent further destruction of this planet.

You have come to earth to shine your light and we call upon you now to remember your soul contract.

You have come here to hold the light collectively – each of you has a crucial role to play and we need every one of you to light the way.

Your light may feel insignificant, but we assure you it is not. You are the light that will drive out darkness. You are the light that will drown out fear. You are the light that will transmit peace, hope and love throughout this planet.

We are always here guiding you and giving you support. You can call upon us at any time.

We thank you for being of service to this planet and to the universe.

We send you love, light and blessings."


--Archangel Uriel, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Chamuel


I hope you enjoyed the messages from the Archangels. Wishing you a blessed weekend!


P.S. I'd love for you to join me at the next New Moon Manifesting Circle on the Supermoon May 25th. This online session includes a live channeling from the Archangels >> click here to sign up

Join me for this LIVE session (via international teleconference) where I'll be sharing powerful information channeled from the Archangels on how to manifest abundance.

The session includes a guided manifesting meditation and group energy healing to clear blocks to FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE.

I'll also be doing a live channeling during this session, where you'll have the opportunity to ask ONE QUESTION about a goal that you're in the process of manifesting. I will relay personal channeled guidance (similar to a mini-reading) from the Archangels to you during the live session.

>> click here to sign up


Full Moon in Scorpio -- May 10, 2017

Today marks the FULL MOON in Scorpio and you've probably felt the intense energy building this past week.

Beltane (May 1st) combined with the build-up to this Full Moon has pushed us (almost to our limits), so that we can confront and then RELEASE some of our deepest and darkest fears, wounds and negative patterns.

To help release fears and blocks that are holding you back, I've created this new video which focuses on clearing blocks to love, success and abundance.

Click below to watch and then please leave a comment letting me know what you thought!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The New Moon Manifesting Circle is returning this month on the SUPERMOON, May 25th >> Get the early bird rate here

Have a blessed Full Moon!

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ANGEL READINGS -- only 2 spaces left for May


Receive personal channeled messages of guidance from the Angels about your life path. >> Click below to schedule your reading